The first project I thought I'd introduce to the world is what I'm calling The Walt Disney Resort. On a side note, I suppose it's important to note that all concepts and names are subject to change...multiple times. I'll be sure to let you know when they do though. The Walt Disney Resort would essentially be a giant circle, with a man-made lake in the center, hotels, shopping and waterparks right outside of that, and 3 themeparks located in the next ring. Ideally, everything would be within walking distance of one another, though this may be a smidge unrealistic (I have to map it out still). Either way, WEDWay Peoplemovers will be available for transportation, connecting one location to another (Monorails won't be included due to the size of the resort).
As for which parks to include, I know for sure there will be a Disneyland-style park, The Magic Kingdom (though very different from Walt's original park). The other park that is for sure going to be included is The Walt Disney Studios Themepark, a park I've just completed. Plans and details will be posted soon. The third park was originally going to be Disney's American Adventure Park, which was simply my take on Disney's America, though now I kinda think I wanna do my take on Epcot, my favorite park, but one I've never tried to reimagineer/design. I want this to be a complete new take on the idea though, something I've been calling Disney's EduCOT aka Disney's Education Center Of Tomorrow. The park would drop "World Showcase" (don't worry, plans for a World Showcase can be found below) and feature only "Future World".
As for a Shopping District and lodging, I've always felt that Downtown Disney needed to be as detailed as a themepark...after all, it is Disney, and so, in my resort, that is exactly what you'll find. For the time being, the area is called, The Four Corners of the World, with shopping, restaurants, and lodging organized by region and exquisitely themed to reflect the different nations found within The Americas, Europe, Africa & The Middle East, and Asia & The South Pacific. 5 hotels, along with several shops and restaurants in each region, will be included at opening, with room for expansion if needed.
Well, that's it for now, but this is just the begining. Check back within the next couple of days to learn more about The Walt Disney Resort. And please, leave comments and suggestions on any ideas you like or feel could be improved (although I suppose there's not a ton to comment on just yet hahaha).